I enjoyed reading this first blog post by Mostafa Shalaby:

Who am I?

Their concise description of Digital Literacy stuck out to me, as it was simple yet effective to give a strong understanding of what it means to be digitally literate. With how much things evolve in the tech world, it’s extremely important for consumers tobe able to effectively and critically use these technologies by navigating new landscapes. With ‘web3’, we have this new age of user-generated content, and its important to not only take advantage of this but explore what others have to offer to learn from and grow as individuals.

With this, I also wanted to highlight the point of evaluating and creating information effectively and critically. It stands out to me with this era of large language models being the new ‘hot’ thing to use, so its imperative people can quickly critically and effectively evaluate information to validate its substance, as well as be sure to convey themselves with their own words in the media and things they post online.

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